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Saturday 27 August 2011

Homophone virus

There are two types of virus. You will get to know it after reading below passage-

1) There is Biology Virus-  virus is a small infectious agent that can replicate only inside the living cells of organisms. Most viruses are too small to be seen directly with a light microscope. Viruses infect all types of organisms, from animals and plants to bacteria and archaea. If you'll take biology in 11th class then you will get to 
know more about this

2) Computer Virus-  computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself,,and infect a computer. The term "virus" is also commonly but erroneously used to refer to other types of malware, including but not limited to adware and spyware programs that do not have the reproductive ability. A true virus can spread from one computer to another 

did you understand

Advantages of computer virus

Other than disadvantages of virus they have some advantages also , they are-

A Trojan Virus is used to infiltrate a computer via acting as a good file or proper code (non-malicious) in the intent to latch onto a computer. Once in place and all files it was after are compromised or intercepted, it will send a bot out to secure it for transfer back to its source.

to show off their programming skills and brag to their peers. Many "hackers" get jobs with software firms by finding and exploiting problems with software.

Only this two are the advantages. if there  will be more advantages then everyone wants to have more and more virus in there computer . hahahahah

Trojan virus

A Trojan horse, or Trojan, is a destructive program that masquerades as an application. The software initially appears to perform a desirable function for the user prior to installation and execution,.
A Trojan may allow a hacker remote access to a target computer system. Once a Trojan has been installed, the hacker may have access to the computer remotely and perform various operations,-

Due to the popularity of botnets among hackers and the availability of advertising services that permit authors to violate their users' privacy, Trojan horses are becoming more common. According to a survey conducted by Bit Defender from January to June 2009, "Trojan-type malware is on the rise, accounting for 83-percent of the global malware detected in the world". 

Beast, a Windows-based backdoorTrojan horse

Operating system reinstalation

Reinstalling the operating system is another approach to virus removal. It involves either reformatting the computer's hard drive and installing the OS and all programs from original media, or restoring the entire partition with a clean backup image.
User data can be restored by booting from a Live CD, or putting the hard drive into another computer
These methods are simple to do, may be faster than disinfecting a computer, and are guaranteed to remove any malware

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customize your pc wonderful

When you l have nice things or softwares in your  computer then only you'll secure your computer therefore

6. Dock & Launcher

  • Dock is a program launcher, similar to the animated dock used in Mac OS X. We recommend Rocket Dock which supports skins for bothObject Dock and Y’z Dock. Icons for these docks can be downloaded from our Icons section.
  • App Launchers are programs that offer a quick way to find and open applications and documents. Launchy and Colibri are both skinnable app launchers.
  • Quick Launch – the standard Windows toolbar can be replaced using True Launch Bar (or free alternative, Free Launch Bar), which offers support for menus, hotkeys and widgets.

7. Widgets

  • Rainlendar is a feature rich calendar application that is easy to use and doesn’t take much space on your desktop. It runs on both Windows and Linux. To use Rainlendar Skins you’ll first need to Download Rainlendar and install it on your PC. For more info, see How To Use Rainlendar Skins.
  • Rainmeter and Samurize are system monitors, with a wide variety of plugin and skins for displaying information on CPU and RAM, among others. To customize these programs, check out our Rainmeter Skins and Samurize Skins sections.

8. Media Player

Winamp was the first skinnable application, and media players have a long history of using non-standard interfaces. We have skins available for a number of media players, take your pick:
   1) Window media player
  • Foobar2000 Skins – 
  • Xion Skins – 

9. ResHack and Tweak

Finally, there’s an endless amount of hacking and tweaking that can be done to make Windows look exactly how you want it to. For more advanced customizing, check out WinT’s Windows Modifications for a number of ways to further customize your desktop.

10. Take a Screenshot!

Got your desktop looking respectably cool? Take a screenshot (see How To Create Screenshots) and upload it to Customize! Check out how our members have customized there desktops in our Screenshots



FACTS OF VIRUS . Are you interested , if then only view my page other wise don't waste your time-----

A "virus" is a program that replicates itself and affects other programs. Viruses do not always cause damage and may not display symptoms, but they can, and sometimes they can be very destructive

A "VBS virus" is one that is written using Visual Basic Scripting. Because of a security hole in Outlook and Outlook Express, this virus can be run without clicking on an attachment.

A "macro virus" is written using a macro programming language and then attached to an ordinary document file such as Word or Excel. When the document is run, the virus unloads its damage and copies itself into other documents to continue its spread.

A "boot sector virus" places malicious code into the first sector of a floppy or hard disk. When the floppy or hard disk is run, the virus is run and performs certain instructions that gain control of basic functions of a computer, and do damage.



Types of anti virus

There are many types of anti virus-

1) NPAV - This the best anti virus i think so because it only cleans the virus and some other they remove the virus files

2)Mcafee- This is also the good anti virus and once upon a time this was the best anti virus before npav.it can be downlaoded from the net.

3) Kaspersky - THis is ok like anti virus wants our computer for simple work bit better than the bad

4) Avast - This anti virus does not have any speciality bou only when we scan our computer and when it completes the voice we hear of the man ' completed '

5) AVG- This anti virus can also be downloaded from the net , it is registerd for 8-9 years in some web site. It is average anti virus

And there are many  anti virus but they are not good i think you must download net protector , it is the best anti virus i think  so. It cost Rs 425 per year you can upgrade 

More information on my next page,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Friday 26 August 2011

Tips and Tricks to prevent virus coming to your computer

1) Buy anti virus and install it to your computer.
2) Don't spend more time on net without antivirus
3) Update your anti virus weekly
4) Scan computer daily
5) Don't insert any pen drive , CD or DVD without anti virus.
6) Back up your data files on regular basis
7) Don't download any thing form net without anti virus
8) If you are having big games or any important files please hide or lock it .
9) and many more on www.removevirustricks.com

White blood cell of computer ( ANTI VIRUS)

It is also known as white blood cell of computers as it removes all the unwanted things from your computers.
In the whole world there are only 50 % computers which has anti virus. Others are damaging their computers
naturally.I the admin of this web site is giving advice to all of you who are reading my pages that they should have  a cheap anti virus but having anti virus .You are reading my page and your computer is receiving viruses from net and will damage your computers, therefore if you want you to read my more articles please download anti virus


Thursday 25 August 2011

Make your pc wonderful

Security is necessary, but a secure system also needs to be interesting and fascinating to use. So, we have a brother website which can help you make your pc look better.
So lets give our pc the looks

Types of Virus

There are many types of virus which are very dangerous such as .

  • Linux malware
  • Viruses
  • Computer Virus
  • Computer
  • Malware
  • Spyware
  • Trojan horse (computing)
  • Computer worm
  • Spam
  • Hacking
Other simple types or non - corrosive viruses are:

1. Boot Sector Virus

2. Browser Hijacker

3. Direct Action Virus

4. File Infector Virus

5. Macro Virus

6. Multipartite Virus

7. Polymorphic Virus

8. Resident Virus

9. Web Scripting Virus



Wednesday 24 August 2011

What is computer vius

A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer. The term "virus" is also commonly but erroneously used to refer to other types of malware, including but not limited to adware and spyware programs that do not have the reproductive ability. A true virus can                                                spread from one computer to another 
 a user sent it over a network or the Internet, or carried it on a removable medium such as a floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB drive.Viruses can increase their chances of spreading to other computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file system that is accessed by another computer
the term "computer virus" is sometimes used as a catch-all phrase to include all types of malware, even those that do not have the reproductive ability
It is like the numbers of chapters of yours worst liking subject coming in the annual examination

A computer virus is an executable program. Depend on the nature of a virus, it may cause damage of your hard disk contents, and/or interfere normal operation of your computer.
By definition, a virus program is able to replicate itself. This means that the virus multiplies on a computer by making copies of itself. This replication is intentional; it is part of the virus program. In most cases, if a file that contains virus is executed or copied onto another computer, then that computer will also be "infected" by the same virus.

A virus can be introduced to a computer system along with any software program. For Internet users, this threat can come from downloading files through FTP (file transfer protocol), or referencing email attachments. (Please refer to our web page on Handling Email's File Attachments